
Spatial Bubble Map

This is a Bubble map I produced for one of the first frameworks I was given at University. Peril was a game in which you moved around a dungeon killing different enemies and interacting with switches to progress.

Blaster Level Design

This was made during the level design for the Blaster Framework. As you can see I have highlighted where each turret will be as well as where different pieces of the environmnt will be situated, this was one of my final revisions of this particular level design.

World Diagram

This is amongst the world diagrams I produced for a framework we were given called Blaster.

Pixel Maps

This is a Pixel map for a framework I was given at University.

Displaying Testing Feedback

This was made during my final year at University. During a Multiplayer Level Design Module. I think this is a better way to display participants responses.

Planning for Solutions

This is the step after compiling the responses. I had now understood all of the responses and thought how I could work to act with them.


Changelog, showing both what I have changed, along with how I have changed it.

Mechanic Diagrams

Weapon Diagrams

This is a weapon I designed for a framework I was given at University as part of one of my modules.


Currently in the 3rd year of a Computer Games Design course at Staffordshire University.

Previously acheived a D*D* in Creative Media studying Games Technology at Access Creative College.


  • Level Design
  • Bubble Maps
  • Pixel Maps
  • World Diagrams
  • Mechanic Diagrams
  • Unreal Engine
  • Documentation
  • Unity
  • C#
  • Experience

    Studied Games Technology at Access Creative College (2 years)

    In the 3rd year of BSc Computer Games Design at Staffordshire University.